7 must see iconic Australian Motels

No.1 La Costa Motel.

In the heyday of Australian Motel culture were the Ma and Pop Motels with no more than a dozen rooms. Many of these motels did not receive the touch of an architect and were very simple, with form following function. The goal in these classics was to maximize the ease and appeal for the motoring holidaymakers. With such a simple building Moteliers would create fun themes, beautiful signage, and an enjoyable ambience to draw in the passing holidaymakers. Drawing themes from America, such as Miami and California were commonplace. With large, often neon signs located adjacent to the motorway, these signs would become feature pieces of the properties.

No.2 Riverfront Motel, Rosetta, Tasmania.

A blast from the past, the Riverfront Motel, Rosetta in Tasmania was built back in the 1950s. These motels captured the simplicity of an Australian road trip.

No.3  Big Trout Motor Inn

A standout for its 15-foot fibreglass trout. Located in the main drag of Oberon in the NSW Blue Mountains, the gigantic fish embodies the towns main draw card. With 33 Motel rooms and a restaurant named the Rainbow Chinese restaurant. This gem of a motel, and town are just a short 2.5 hour drive from Sydney.

No.4  Oakleigh Motel Oakleigh, Victoria

Victoria’s oldest motel - located in Melbourne, the Oakleigh Motel was built in 1957. It was classified by the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and also gained local heritage protection by the local council. In a “strange” turn of events the local authority made a full u-turn on the classification when a large value redevelopment was proposed. With the Oakleigh Motel now at risk and likely to lose its heritage protection the Oakleigh Historical Society and the National Trust came to the historic Motels defence.

No.5 Ventura Beach Motel at Mermaid Beach

Not exactly a historic gem like the Oakleigh Motel, but definitely worth a mention for its retro styling representative of a previous era. Ventura Beach Motel is a new boutique motel located in dreamy Mermaid Beach on the Gold Coast. Formerly the Mermaid Beach Flats, the newly refurbished motel features 9-units, bright interiors and an Instagram worthy pool, perfect for your retro-cool Gold Coast escape.

No.6 Indian Ocean Hotel, Scarborough, WA

The Indian Ocean Hotel was built in 1968 as part of the White Sands Hotel, which was modelled after the famous Sands Hotel in Las Vegas. During the 1970's it was the place for bands to stay and hosted some of the greats of the time including Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, and AC/DC to name a few.

No.7  Astor Hotel Motel, Albury, NSW

Unfortunately, coming in at number 6 the Astor Hotel Motel in Albury is up for redevelopment. Another one bites the dust.


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